The new MT5+ features not only a double-sided flat key but also 3 active locking mechanisms: - The locking bar mechanism is one of the three technologies featured in the MT5+. Correct alignment of the top bar pins depends upon the correct combination key being inserted. - The new -generation product is also based on a new configuration of Mul-t-lock's well-honed telescopic pin technology. - The tip of the key has a revolutionary mobile interacting spring - the Alpha Sprring. The Alpha Spring engages a unique pin at the rear of the mechanism, creating another shearline. All MT5+ products have a double-sided unique MT5+ key. One set of cuts is for the telescopic pin mechanism and the other cut, the milled pattern, is for the locking bar.
We use Kenured/S.Parker Grade 2 Doorknob, which made specifically for Mul-T-Lock plugs, and approved by MulTlock Israel.
Mul-t-lock MT5+ MTL 800 Grade 2 Doorknob
All Mul-t-lock items come standard with 2 keys and 1 Mul-lock key code I.D. card.
Mul-T-Lock Cronus High Security Grade 2 Single Cylinder Dead-Bolt w/Thumb Turn 2-3/8 or 2-3/4 Adjustable Backset